Sunday, May 20, 2012

People have always suspected that I have a knock on the head. How judgmental, really! I may not be the regular normal guy, but like anybody else on this world of ours, I have my own personality and it may not always be acceptable to everyone, however, I am proud to be different. People, like to talk a lot, or they talk so little, but they never try to listen or even try to look closely at the individuals they are judging.

What are the common rants that I hear? For starters: "That guy has no girlfriend, so he must be a fuckwit gay, or he wants to be friends with this other guy, so he must be seriously crushing on him." Wow, just because I'm looking for friendships does that instantly qualify me as a homosexual? Does that mean I have some perverse desire? Why can't people start being sane and accept that hey, people never want to be alone all the time and all they seek is some form of camaraderie? That's how the shoe fits these days.

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