Friday, August 10, 2007


Thank God It's A Friday!!! I have two free days for rest and recreation, which means that I could take the necessary breather by reading books, drawing/ painting, or watching a bit of television. Many would think that I lead a too sedentary lifestyle, but hey what I do for a living is tiring physically, mentally, and spiritually. But I have to deal with it or else I'd just crash down.

Sometimes I do miss those quiet moments when I could put my feet up on a chair, drink some espresso, and read or meditate. At this moment I'm reading Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, and Haruki Murakami's Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman. Tolstoy's story-telling is flamboyant in its details and well, a bit excruciating since it has many lives and stories intertwined in its plot of the doomed love affair between Anna and Count Vronsky. With Murakami, though strange and the plot not interconnected, the stories are terse but beautifully and hauntingly told.

I do hope to finish the Murakami soon. With the Tolstoy, maybe after a few months.

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