Friday, February 23, 2007

This is my very first posting for a blog. I have always written entries for my journals, but the pages end up seriously creased after a few months since I habitually look over and re-read my notes.

I decided to open my blog with a painting of one of my favorite artists, Balthus (Count Balthasar Klossowski de Rola). His works have that quality that inspires silence to viewers like me since I am confronted with an object, a scene rich with symbols and inviting a multitude of interpretations, both secular and esoteric. I feel as if I have this direct conversation with Balthus himself and interact with the subjects within the painting.

What is this mystery that makes me contemplate? Is the cat (in the throes of sexual desire), a direct reflection of the naked girl on the chair? Who is the girl by the she a voyeur? Why does she turn away from viewer?

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