Thursday, August 02, 2007

And Finally I'm Thirty-Two...

What the hell?!? In two days time, I'll be finally facing the big 3-2 and sure enough I'll be looking at myself in the mirror and wonder how I ever reached this point in my life. No, I don't feel morose or even non-plussed, rather I just feel normal. And still a VIRGIN and proud of it...really. I just don't feel the need to create relationships at all, or even let my hair down for the opposite sex. I'd rather have the peace and quiet that singlehood affords me, and yes, I don't have to feel the financial burn that a date would entail. Probably I'm a real narcissist.
The good thing is I have finally mended some burnt bridges...with Berna for starters. Now, if only I could really fathom the estrangement I had with Glenn. Esmie says that I'd better give him the benefit of the doubt, and just act as friendly as always. That's good advice but quite hard to follow through.
Patience is a virtue. Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas: "Fortunate is he who has been able to learn the causes of things."

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