On Viewing Boticelli’s Venus
Cerulean skies
Hover silently
above your guileless head.
Somehow the sun
gilds your
presence with halos
of luxuriance.
Luminous, radiating
Warmth, Conviviality…
This Virtue,
Would shame,
arouse the blackest Envy,
Surreptitious resentments…
Yet still, you remain
Serene, almost feline
In your statuesque pose,
Unperturbed by
The clamor of the throng.
Mere artifice?
That furtive smile reveals
Neither mockery…nor dispassionate disdain
Rather it is of acceptance
Of your devotees’ reverence.
Their paeans and plaudits
Frenzied prayers and harried hopes
Magnify your innate godhead
While decrying the inconsequence,
the frailty of human existence
before the Divine.